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Hoe 'The Boss' dromen waar maakt

Foto van schrijver: Hilde Van DammeHilde Van Damme

Nauwelijks te geloven, maar 70 wordt hij vandaag, Bruce Springsteen. HELD!

In het rijtje inspirerende quotes dat ik regelmatig deel op Facebook kan/mag hij niet ontbreken. Ik koos voor een quote uit Badlands, een song die met de jaren steeds hoger klom in het lijstje van mijn all-time favourites.

Ik deel hieronder graag de quote, de live versie van Badlands en de volledige tekst van de song.

Als je even de moeite neemt om in de tekst te duiken zal je zien dat er nog zoveel meer in zit. Zoals in veel van de Springsteen songs: het leven brengt niet altijd cadeaus, is vaak lastig. Maar leg je je daarbij neer en droom je van beter of vind je de moed en kracht om er iets aan te doen?

Dream & make it real.

"You spend your life waiting For a moment that just don't come Well, don't waste your time waiting"

Geniet ervan en wie weet, inspireert het ook jou :-)

'Badlands' (songtekst)

Well, lights out tonight Trouble in the heartland Got a head on collision Smashing in my guts, man I'm caught in a cross fire That I don't understand

But there's one thing I know for sure, girl I don't give a damn For the same old played out scenes Baby, I don't give a damn For just the in-betweens Honey, I want the heart, I want the soul I want control right now You better listen to me, baby

Talk about a dream Try to make it real You wake up in the night With a fear so real You spend your life waiting For a moment that just don't come Well, don't waste your time waiting

Badlands, you gotta live it everyday Let the broken hearts stand As the price you've gotta pay Keep pushing 'til it's understood And these badlands start treating us good Working in the fields That'll get your back burned Working 'neath the wheels 'Til you get your facts learned Baby, I got my facts Learned real good right now You better get it straight

Poor man wanna be rich Rich man wanna be king And a king ain't satisfied 'Til he rules everything I wanna go out tonight I wanna find out what I got Well, I believe in the love that you gave me I believe in the faith that can save me I believe in the hope and I pray That someday it may raise me Above these Badlands,

you gotta live it everyday Let the broken hearts stand As the price you've gotta pay Keep pushing 'til it's understood And these badlands start treating us good For the ones who had a notion, a notion deep inside That it ain't no sin to be glad you're alive I wanna find one face that ain't looking through me I wanna find one place I wanna spit in the face of these

Badlands, you gotta live it everyday Let the broken hearts stand As the price you've gotta pay Keep movin' 'til it's understood And these badlands start treating us good

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